Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Buried under the mess

AAAHHH!!! I'm drowning in mess!!

I'm in the midst of too many projects as once (don't I always do that??) I am cleaning out my closet, Olive's closet, Olive's room, and my office all at one time. What's happened in the process is that my office has become the dumping ground and is just a big pile of junk. I should take before and after pictures but I'm too embarassed. It's awful. I really need to just do one project and finish it but hasn't happened yet. Need to finish up the closets first maybe, then tackle this huge one with stuff everywhere. It ends up in here b/c I can close the door, but when I'm in here, I'm a little nuts. So, I must clean my office! Need a few solid hours to do it (esp when Olive is not in bed as it is next to her room and don't want to be too loud) but if I disappear and no one can find me, tell the police to search in my office - I am likely buried underneath something that probably doesn't even belong in here! ;-) Hope you're having a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Sharon - Pixie Bows said...

Oh I know that all too well! We don't have an office space so my living room/dinning room are a pile of mess - driving me nuts!!!