Happy New Year!! Wishing you a prosperous year full of good health, good fortune, good times, and lots of completed resolutions!
Welcome to "the little things" - a personal journey through the little things in life. An opportunity to help me remember to savor the little things and that most things are little things. I hope you will enjoy reading about the daily life of a WAHM (work at home mom) as I try to juggle career, motherhood, marriage, and everyday experiences with a smile and a laugh.
Being born and raised in the Sunshine State, I have very little appreciation for endless gloomy, rainy days. Every once in awhile it is nice but after awhile, it gets old.
On top of that, I have a toddler with the activity level of a Mexican jumping bean and between the two of us, we get a little stir crazy so I've been trying to think of some fun indoor activities for us during these seemingly endless gloomy days. Here are a few ideas I've come up with:
1. Good old-fashioned coloring book coloring
2. Coloring printables - find your kids' favorite characters and print them out for free at www.noggin.com or www.nickjr.com. They also have lots of fun craft ideas. We now have a Dora Thanksgiving placemat colored oh-so-prettily in blue. You can also find other printables at www.crayola.com.
3. Online games at www.noggin.com, www.nickjr.com, and www.disney.com.
4. Finger painting, watercolor painting, or better yet - Color Wonder painting
5. Arts & crafts projects - this can be as simple as sticking stickers on a piece of paper to something more elaborate for older kids. You can draw a scene of something and have the kid put stickers/decorations/color in areas you specify for them (ie, put a sticker of a flower OUTSIDE of the house). Color the dog's ears brown. etc. etc. For kids who know their numbers or letters, you can do color by number.
6. Thanksgiving craft idea - Tom the Turkey - trace your child's hand on construction paper, have them help you cut it out, then decorate with feathers or other scraps of colorful construction paper
7. Read some books together.
8. Cut out pictures from old magazines and make a collage of your child's favorite things. Then send to Grandma for an early Christmas gift (bonus: saves time and money at the store!)
9. Bake cookies or cupcakes together - be sure to check out the book Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann & Elizabeth Kann beforehand so the kids will be forewarned not to eat too many cupcakes ;)
10. Build a fort.
11. Hide and seek
12. Scavenger hunt
13. Build an indoor obstacle course.
14. Turn up the music and DANCE!
15. Help Mommy fold the laundry. Oops, how did that one get in there? Well it's a good chance to catch up on that too ;)
16. If all else fails, grab your favorite animated movie (ie, the one that annoys you the least), a bowl of popcorn, and curl up on the couch and have a quiet afternoon snuggling together.
Yesterday Dennis had the day off work for Veteran's Day. We decided to take Olive to get her first haircut. Anticipating a lot of kicking and screaming, we thought it might be easier if we all went together. Boy were we wrong! She was amazing! She even let them wash and blow dry her hair! She sat still and quiet and was happy as could be. We took her to Cartoon Cuts in our mall and the lady was fast, efficient, and friendly. At each station, they also had a TV playing some kid favorites - at our station it was Diego, next door was Dora. They also had some Dum-Dum lollipops. It was definitely a win-win for us! Olive did fantastic! We were both surprised. When she was finished, the stylist gave her a "First Haircut Certificate" and saved a lock of her hair for us. While I was so sad to have the first haircut, Olive's hair had gotten quite unruly. While we did take off some length, it looks much more manageable and classy now. I am including some before and after pictures for your entertainment. If you live in Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Illinois, Texas, or Puerto Rico, see if there is a Cartoon Cuts near you - I HIGHLY recommend it!
Happy Halloween!!
Hope you have a safe and fun day!
Olive had a Halloween parade and party at school this morning then we'll be trick-or-treating this evening. Can't wait! Halloween is a bit "trickier" this year with the peanut allergy - did you know that peanuts are (or possibly are) in almost all chocolate candies?? Read the labels and you'll see that even the most unsuspecting candies might have peanut matter in them. Who knew?? Candies that are OK for my little pirate princess this year are: Hershey's kisses, Hershey's milk chocolate bar, Rolos, York Peppermint Patties, Dum Dums, Tootsie Roll Pops, Skittles, Starburst, Twizzlers, and a few other non-chocolate candies.
Speaking of candy...be sure to check all your kids' candies before they eat any - check for tampering or opened packages, along with ingredients if you have a kid with allergies. While I hate that we won't be able to give Olive all of her candy (as if any 2 year old really needs it), I am secretly a bit excited that Dennis & I will really enjoy all the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut M&Ms that she gets :)
Don't forget your flashlight tonight too and be sure to travel in groups. As a kid, I once remember a high school boy stole one of my friend's trick-or-treat bag and there are always a few pranksters out there looking to start trouble. Stay close to the kids and have fun!
Happy Haunting!
A friend recently told me about this kids store called Crazy 8. It's owned by the same company that has the Gymboree children's clothing store but it's less expensive. (I think of it like the Old Navy vs. Gap relationship). The clothes are strikingly similar in style but just a little cheaper. Right now they're having a 50% off sale, as well as $5 tees, $11 denim, $7 leggings, $6 tights, and more! How can you beat that? And every order has only a $5 shipping fee!! (that makes it worth it because you don't have to lug the kiddos to the store). If you do want to visit the actual store, click here for the store locator. I can't wait to get some new clothes for Olive from here! They are just too cute!! (and a great place to buy Christmas presents for nieces and nephews)
Why is it that when we are expecting guests we clean up more than we do for our own family? Or when we are expecting the housekeepers, we clean up before they arrive?
I must admit, my house is not as tidy as it used to be. I do what I can but I have so much fun with Olive that I try to let some of the little things go and not worry so much about them. But when friends or family are coming over, it seems like I often do much more than I would if it were just us. I guess that's good - we don't want our friends to know what slobs we really are, right? - but shouldn't our families hold the same sort of power over us? I really should be better about this but I have too much stuff. I need to throw away about 50% (well, probably more like 85%) of what we have and then go from there. That would certainly be easier. In the meantime, I'll remain on my everlasting quest to find better organizational tools and keep the house spic and span for my family. And maybe tidy up a little extra for our guests this weekend...
Driving the fire truck
Riding a pony
In the orchards
"Picking" apples
The perfect one
No doubt by now you've heard of the "vampire books" that are taking the world by storm. (And if you haven't, what bubble are you living in?) Well, my book club chose this as our last book. Since I'm not typically into this sort of thing, I vowed that I'd boycott it and not read this selection. But as the month went on, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) was raving about how good it is. REALLY??? It's not my thing, I would say. It wasn't mine either, but you won't believe how incredible this is, they would reply. As usual, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to read it. I was worried that I'd be freaked out and scared by it (after all, it is about vampires and I'm a self professed wimp) but it's not that way at all. When I found out that it was labeled as "young adult", somehow that made it more OK in my eyes. I also heard that there are lots of websites out there, like Twilight Moms, where others are obsessed. The movie is also coming out in November, so I thought maybe I should give it a try.
I wasn't sorry I made that choice. While I may not be quite as cuckoo about it as some of the others, I will admit that it's a great book and the more I think about it, the better it is in my mind. This is the first one of a series of 4 books and I'm currently mid-way through Book #2 (New Moon). I'm not sure if I'll post about the other books in the series - I don't want to give anything away - but this first book was good. Enough to get me hooked.
The premise of the story is about a high school girl who moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad and meets and falls in love with a vampire. It's more of a love story than anything else but eventually there is some action that keeps it interesting beyond just the love stuff. A quick read, large print, and a chance to delve into something new. Check it out. I'd give it 4.5 stars.