Whether you like to ski, snowboard, sip hot cocoa, or enjoy summer sports, Park City is an amazing place. Just about 35 minutes outside of Salt Lake City, Park City is a resort town all its own with fabulous restaurants, shops, activities, you name it. It's also the home of the Sundance Film Festival and close to Robert Redford's Sundance Ranch. The skiing is great at Park City Mountain Resort. There is also skiing at Deer Valley, The Canyons, Snowbird, Alta, and many others, all within a short drive. I have now been to Park City 3 times, all in the winter, all for ski trips. I most recently visited there in February, where I also did the unthinkable - tried to snowboard!! It was a lot of fun, but I was sore for weeks and black and blue even longer. Maybe I'm just too old...
Anyway, my mom and I found this shop on our first trip there and fell in love. It is a bath and body type shop, but in person, they have a "cosmetic deli" - something I've never seen before or since. It's so neat - you go up and scoop your own cosmetic products - rubs, masks, etc. WOW! And the stuff is GREAT. So on our last trip, we searched high and low for this store, certain it couldn't have gone out of business and we finally found it (they had moved locations). They sell all sorts of wonderful stuff, including some great bath teas (imagine total relaxation while soaking in a bath with some lit candles and reading a good book), body scrubs, soaps, lip balms and glosses, and a great line of mother and baby products. I just bought some stuff from here because they were having a great sale but unfortunately I think it must have expired last night because it doesn't seem to be showing up today. But this stuff is so great and the prices are reasonable anyway so be sure to check it out. Sign up for their mailing list and they'll notify you of sales. If you're ever in Park City, stop by the store for a complimentary hand treatment. They also offer spa treatments there as well so go in for an apres-ski massage!!
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