Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Celebrate Mama!

Monterey, CA
Huntsville, AL
Valley Forge, PA
Powell, OH (Sat., May 10th)
I will have a booth for my company at the Bethesda, MD event where there will be over 100 vendors, prizes, arts and crafts, face paintings, giveaways, Mother's Day goodies, and entertainment (Rocknocerous and Miss Belle - children's entertainers). There will also be goodie bags given to the first 300 people (stuffed with 30 items). It is from 11:00-4:00 this Saturday at Bethesda Row (Woodmont Ave., between Elm and Bethesda). Rocknocerous starts at 11. Hope you can make it out to support this great effort. If you do come, please stop by and say hello to me!! If you can't make it, shop my store online at http://www.littlepinkpansy.com/.
Free Ice Cream at Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry's is offering free ice cream cones today, Tuesday, April 29th to celebrate their 30th birthday. To see a list of participating locations, visit http://benandjerrys.com/scoop_shops/.
You can find me at the local scoop shop today. Happy eating!
Monday, April 28, 2008
serenity how?

Today is one of those days where it seems like everything is getting on my nerves. I feel frustrated and disorganized. And on top of that, I feel like it will never stop raining!!
It's on days like this that I wonder how to achieve some semblance of serenity. A surprising little thing that has helped me so much lately is tea. Any kind of tea but my latest is a little flavored tea, especially iced tea. I have been buying some of those green or white teas with flavoring at the store (by the milk in the refrigerated section) and they are surprisingly delicious. A few sips and I feel like a new person. Something about it just makes me feel at ease. Needless to say, I am sipping some now. Some days it's nature or the weather that helps me relax. Today it is tea. I picked this picture (taken by my dad - what a photographer!) because I think this alligator looks so at ease and relaxed. He's lying there basking in the sun, content to just be. Think that's what I want to do this afternoon - just be.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A lucky find

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Why I don't cook

Friday, April 25, 2008
Rush Hour Part 3
Weekend Activities
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Rush Hour Part 2
This afternoon, I took the dog and the kid for a walk and we took our time. In fact, when we walked past the playground, there was a little boy and my daughter wanted to play there with him, so we stopped, took our time and played! It was great :)
Another serene moment (can you believe how easy it is to do this?) was tonight...I went to get my hair cut. Traffic was a little heavy on my way b/c it was during the official "rush hour" and instead of stressing that I would be late, I just rolled down the windows, turned up the music, and enjoyed the alone time as I sat at the same light over and over and over again.
Not bad for my first day, huh??
Rush Hour
This rushing topic has been on my mind recently as I've had my daughter at the playground and I see that all of us parents are rushing our kids down the slide so the next kid can have a turn and doesn't have to wait. We are rushing the kids out the door to get somewhere on time. We are rushing when we're walking the dog because we have a million other things to do. Now, I am not someone who likes to be late so I'm often rushing to be sure I am on time, but today, as I was rushing my daughter to get dressed, then rushing to the grocery store, rushing the dog walk, all so we could get to Gymboree (kid's gymnastics class) on time, I thought, "What would really be the big deal if we were a few minutes late to a fun activity?" Of course, my "practical" side tells me that I want to be there on time to maximize her playtime and plus, I am paying for this, so want to make it worth our while, but does that mean rushing everything else in order to be there on time?? It seems a bit silly if you ask me. So I drove slowly to Gymboree today and it made a world of difference. I arrived calm, cool, and collected.
Then we arrive and the scenario comes up again - rushing our kids to get them out of the way for the others. What will the world be like when these children grow up? Will they be even more hurried and frantic than we are?? Is that even possible? I am making a pledge now to have some fun with my daughter, stop and pick the flowers, let her take her time on a walk, and enjoy the simple moments like an unexpected kiss or smile - after all, these won't be around forever so I'd better enjoy them now!