I consider myself an animal lover.
I always had pets growing up (dogs, cats, mice, turtles, fish, snakes - eww those were my brother's - my parents didn't hear my pleas against it) and still have a pet to this day (a small Jack Russell mix dog named, appropriately, Jack). When I visit someone's home who has pets, I always find myself sitting on the floor or couch curled up with the animals and scratching their bellies.
I always had pets growing up (dogs, cats, mice, turtles, fish, snakes - eww those were my brother's - my parents didn't hear my pleas against it) and still have a pet to this day (a small Jack Russell mix dog named, appropriately, Jack). When I visit someone's home who has pets, I always find myself sitting on the floor or couch curled up with the animals and scratching their bellies.
However, recently I've started seeing a new influx of pit bulls and bulldogs into my neighborhood and it makes me a little uneasy. I like to think of myself as a non-judgmental person (not that I don't have slips but I try not to judge others) but I have no qualms saying that I am openly discriminating against these dogs. Perhaps it's the pit bulls' aggressive nature that scares me. After all, I see them when I am out walking my (small) dog and usually with Olive at my side. What would I do if one of these beasts came after us? Sorry, Jack, but you'll have to fend for yourself...Olive & I are taking off. And a lot of these dogs around here are off the leash... "Oh, he's harmless". Hmm.... Well I'm just not comfortable with that. Perhaps my other fear is that I see who is walking these dogs and I guess that means I am discriminating against the people too. They are often a little shady looking, wearing hooded black sweatshirts and baggy jeans, smoking cigarettes and looking rough. Not the kind of guys you want to run across in a dark alley (or on a narrow sidewalk when you are walking your dog and toddler). Plus, not to mention...look at this dog's feet - how gross and creepy!!! For comparison sake, here's a picture of our friendly, lazy, dog Jack: Let me know your thoughts on the subject...
I 100% agree. I have some friends who have a pitbull and they seem to think it is the most harmless creature, I on the other hand just down right do not trust them. I refuse to go to playdates at her house and even though she has so kindly offered numerous times to watch my kids for me I just refuse, the risk is too great and the price too high!!
I love animals and dogs too. Last summer our neighbor's daughter was mauled by a dog, a dog who had previously attacked other people and dogs. The little girl continues to have muscular issues around her eye (where she was attacked). Her entire family was traumatized.
I guess I'm saying that I agree. Dogs need to be on leashes unless they are fenced into a homeowner's yard, and even then . . .
wow you old white bitch. If your talking about the staffechehr terrier that is pictured than you are wrong. These dogs only have an aggressive nature as a result of their ownership. I had a wild "pit bull" walk right up to me when i was very young in Rochester NY and it licked me. If there were real pit bulls in your neighbourhood off the leash your dog would have been eaten by now.
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