The latest novel by Jennifer Weiner, this story centers around Candace Shapiro (Cannie) from her earlier novel Good in Bed. It takes place 13 years later and is a follow-up to what happens in Cannie's life. I am a huge fan of Jennifer Weiner and while I liked this book, I didn't think it was anything nearly as good as her other books. It wasn't a bad read, but wasn't a great one either. I felt like there was a lot of build-up and nothing really happened for a long time, but then things happened that I wasn't expecting. I also felt like it ended a bit too abruptly. Overall, a decent read, I'd give it 3 stars.
In other (totally unrelated news), Olive is now fever-free (I think) but cranky and not sleeping. Dennis has also caught it and he is full of fever and yuckiness. So we're hunkering down for the weekend with the pouring rain outside. Hope we'll all be 100% by Monday for Olive to start school and Dennis to go back to work. Happy weekend - hope everyone is fever-free at your house!
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